THEIt was probably the happiest and certainly one of the happiest days of his life. When the American swimming champion Lilly King got a place in Olympic Games on pair on 2024get out of the pool, before he dries, his lover is waiting for him, to make him marriage proposal.
A video even captured the moment, along with a fellow athlete, James Wellson kneeling in front of him, revealing the ring to him.
“I don’t regret for a minute that I quit my job and moved across the country to be togetherWells told him. “It’s amazing and I can’t wait to see where life takes us. So I was wondering, my love, Lilly Camille King, would you like it? you become WOMAN my;».
It’s amazing and I can’t wait to see where life takes us. So I thought, my love, Lilly Camille King, would you like to be my wife?’
His answer was “yea”, although it probably took him a few seconds to digest what had happened because the marriage proposal was the same a real surpriseas he said later on reporters.
Check out the marriage proposal snapshot:
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