Tik Tok’s latest health trend is all about positive thinking

mit might not be a big deal for you to say “Alright, I’m stupid“, if you say something that isn’t true or you think is right or if you laugh too loud to say “Oh, I’m going to die,” but these exaggerated comments are part of our language and we use them many times in DAY. Of course, it also happens to be extremely negative – and the people who face it BENEFITS and they have Tik Tok channels that believe you should stop talking about it and rely on positive thinking.

Even if you don’t mean anything, using negative expressions sends wrong messages to the brain and ultimately affects how you feel. After seeing other people doing the same, TikTok user @barenutritionhealth vowed not to make similar comments.

“Self-deprecating words may be interpreted as a joke,” write, “but your brain can’t tell the difference. The more you say something, the more true it becomes.”

This is the idea behind the law of attraction, or rather the idea that Positive thoughts bring positive things and vice versao. It’s based on neuroscience, and therapists agree that the whole rationale is true.

“The words we say to ourselves or out loud will definitely come back to BRAINS us and affect the way we think, feel and see the world and ourselves”, says Justin Paulsen, MCP, RCC, ABS, psychotherapist. “So it’s good to be careful with your words.”

Read below what you need to know “give it” formal phrases like “I’m stupid” – and what to say instead.

Because the words you use are important

According to Paulsen, the brain connects neurons to create thought pathways every time we speak. “To understand, imagine that there are rivers in your brain. If your thoughts and words are water, you are pouring more water down the path of self-criticism every time you talk negatively about yourself,” he explained. “This creates a bigger river of more and more negative thoughts flowing through your head.”

In fact, experts say that these negative thoughts and finally formulation, can be worse if connected to the reticular activation system, the part of the brain that monitors sensory input now by expressing either intensity or calmness and has an important role in maintaining consciousness in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle, and how much feeling, especially pain, is fed to the brain.

“If you use the river analogy, the RAS spends most of its time filtering information to fit larger ‘rivers’ and sending less information to smaller, dry rivers,” Paulsen explained. “So if you spend a lot of time thinking negative thoughts, it trains your brain to show you more negativity and less positivity.”

As the expert pointed out thus you may lose positive opportunities that come your way, because your brain is programmed to focus on the negative aspects of your life.

The opposite can also be true – if you purposely push yourself to speak positively and focus on the positive things around you, you strengthen and develop your positive neuropathies by training them to notice and focus on positive opportunities that present themselves.

This is the same idea behind the reasoning that we want to ask for luck when we are watching it. And one way to do that is to train yourself to speak positively – and about you!

How can you change the negative phrases you use

I want to know some phrases like this that you can think of and how you can flip them! Words matter! Our thoughts create our perceptions which influence our behavior and create our reality. 

“Being real and talking about your feelings is not a bad thing. But using negative language often can be positive FORCE and your negative aura”, the expert pointed out.

Its users Tik Tok they plan to change the way they speak and then the way they think, applying all of the above. In fact, in contrast to negative phrases such as “Okay, I did something wrong” THE “I’ll die laughing” they use expressions like “I’m still studying” THE “I live for these moments.”

Such subtle changes can make a difference, says therapist Lindsey Ferris, MS, LMFTA. “Words Matter”he wrote to Bustle. “Using softer words that reflect self-compassion will help you soften the negative inner voice that criticizes you and begin to see things differently.”

It’s a small change that can make a big difference, so why not give it a try?

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