My boyfriend and I were diagnosed with cancer before we were forty

Cancer rates are rising at a young age, although a woman, the Anna Sullivan, of course he never imagined that he and his best friend would be diagnosed before they turned 40. But this experience brought them even closer, as he recounted in the testimony he shared in TODAY.

“In October 2017 I was shocked to hear my doctor inform me that the tumor on the right CHEST for me CANCER in the early stage and not a blocked passage of milk from breastfeeding him 18 month old son my, Freddie. I am 37 years old. As she began scheduling biopsies and blood tests, all I could think about was that I was going to be late to my 3-year-old son Max’s Halloween party and that I wouldn’t have time to buy a costume for Freddie.

“In October 2017 I was shocked to hear from my doctor that the lump in my right breast was early stage cancer and not a blocked milk duct from breastfeeding my 18 month old son, Freddie . I’m 37 years old.”

“After leaving the doctor’s office, I called my husband, Alex, being his usual, practical self. “Everything is fine,” he said. “Come and let’s find a solution.” But I didn’t feel that everything would go smoothly, so I called him best friend my, Sara. When I heard his voice, I cried. He offered to come and pick up my kids to go “trick or treating” so I could schedule doctor and surgeon appointments. “Don’t worry, I’ll go buy Freddie some clothes,” he added.

»A month ago, while I was recovering from a double mastectomy, Sara took me from time to time, confectioneryin a pillow mastectomy and a little Hint for the door of my room, saying: “I want to stay a while Singleno matter”. He would write me notes saying how strong I was and that it would all be over soon. When my oncologist prescribed a ten-year course of hormone therapy that led me to premature menopause Sara started looking for solutions to hot flashes and mood swings and sent me articles on celebrities who had gone through menopause.

“”It’s hard, but we’ll do it KICKED” he said to me, and shook my hand. The good news is that you will never have it again twitter before the PERIOD“. We both laughed. It wasn’t funny, but it was. Your best friend, who knows you better than anyone, can pull such pranks».

The two women met seven years HISTORY but their relationship is proof that you can make new friendships after your 20s. But four years after Anna’s diagnosis, Sara calls her to deliver her own, hard news: she’s been diagnosed CANCER on inwards in the 3rd period. “He tried to be optimistic, but his voice was low and distant. How did this happen? Both of us new ones and healthy, without health problems. When we were diagnosed we looked and felt healthy. We always exercise and eat vegetables. However, we were diagnosed with cancer before we were forty. I hope our story is unique, but it seems that more and more young people are taking such diagnoses into their own hands.

“We were young and healthy, with no health problems. When we were diagnosed we looked and felt healthy. We always exercised and ate vegetables. However, we were diagnosed with breast cancer we are not yet 40. I hope our story is rare, but it seems that more and more young people are carrying such diagnoses on their hands.

“A study published in American Cancer Society shows something frightening: that the 2024 is the first year that the incidents of cancer in the US exceeds 2 million. I mean, almost 5,500 new diagnoses HIM DAY. Although the risk of dying from cancer continues to decrease, diagnoses at a younger age are increasing, in part thanks to guidelines for better screening. Another study showed that more young people people diagnosed with cancer, esp women in their 30s. Many public figures like Olivia Moon and Shannen Doherty, shared their diagnosis in an effort to encourage people to get tested. The truth is that early diagnosis is essential in the treatment of most cancers, which develop without symptoms.

» After Sara finished the first round chemotherapywent through a series of tests that showed he had Lynch syndromea genetic condition that ABUNDANT HE DANGER for various types of cancer. As a precaution, and to reduce the risk of recurrence, he did hysterectomy and went into early menopause. 15 years ago I never would have imagined that we would both be cancer survivors and enter the menopause before our 40s. In many ways, we have learned lessons from this Path on at the time and the friendships where sometimes you need a lifetime. We now understand that everything can change in an instant. Sometimes I remember our summer vacation at a lake, when we held hands and splashed in the water, never knowing what the future would hold. I’m thankful that we can still lean on our friendship whenever we feel like we’re in freefall».

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