Father forbids daughter from painkillers because menstrual pain is natural

thewhen one FATHER noticed that her teenage daughter was taking painkillers to cope with period cramps, she was concerned about how the medication would affect her body.

He advises her to stop drinking it, because menstruation is a natural process that is meant to be painful, and she has to endure it.

In a post on Reddit, the 40-year-old man revealed that he and his ex-wife share custody of their 14-year-old daughter and that the girl stays with him every two weeks.

During her most recent stay with her father, the teenager had her period and took ibuprofen to treat painful cramps – much to her father’s dismay.

“I usually avoid medication unless it’s for something very serious, like conditions that require you to be hospitalized,” the man wrote. “I mean, for things like a cold or a fever, I think it’s better to go to bed to rest than burden your system with unnecessary pills.”

When he noticed that his daughter was taking a pill, while he was drinking PERIOD the man says that he is worried about becoming dependent on them, adding that since menstruation is a natural process, he should be able to cope without medication.

I asked my ex-wife about this and she said that our daughter has an irregular cycle so she has very painful cramps and needs pills for the first 3 days. the man continued.

Despite what his wife told him, he told his views to his daughter and tried to change her mind. He told her that the pain pills were affecting her body and that they were unnecessary.

“Menstruation is painful, yes, but it is normal and should not be reduced artificially”, he wrote. To convince him, in fact, he gave him a “leave” from housework. The girl found the whole conversation “funny,” according to the father.

“He started crying and told me he was suffering and needed pills to function,” shared by the man. “He also kept saying I can’t understand his pain because I’m a man and I don’t deal with these things anymore.”

The man went on to write that the fight escalated after he pointed out that the men and boys were in serious pain and that “He should not use his time to portray himself as a victim.”

“I don’t want my child to grow up soft, without stamina, patience and endurance”the man wrote. “Millions of women before him went through life with their periods and didn’t die because they were sick.”

He threw the pills at his daughter

Contrary to what his daughter had told him, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

While her daughter was sleeping she threw away her painkillers so she couldn’t take them. “He woke up and got angry and started screaming”the man wrote. “He told me he hated me and called me a misogynist because I don’t understand women and I hate them.”

When the teenager asked to return to his mother, the PEOPLE he has a favor with her. He called his ex-wife to pick her up, since “She can’t reason with him”, as he wrote in his text.

When the girl’s mother found out what happened, she told her ex-husband that he had no right to do this to their son.

Despite this, the man continues to believe that his daughter needs to be tougher. “When he was young, he played all kinds of games with me and we had a lot of fun together. And now he doesn’t want to play with me anymore”the father wrote in his text.

Unsurprisingly, most people in the comments condemned the man’s actions and called his behavior disgusting.

“Come with me again another man trying to tell a woman what to do with HIS body. You have no idea how much pain he is going through. And you have no right (not even his parents) to tell him that the pain is not that bad and that he doesn’t need pills. one Redditor commented.

“You underestimated your son’s feelings and you can’t stand it. You are her father and you must protect her, not make her suffer.” another user wrote.

Your daughter will grow up not wanting anything to do with you if you don’t do some research on the female body and how menstruation works, especially irregular periods. You have to learn to respect your daughter and the choices she makes for herself that are not inherently harmful.”another known.

many women they wrote in comments that their period pains put them in bed or made them sick. To even walk, they need painkillers and several hospitalizations.

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