For archaeological sites of the highest value, the cultural infrastructure must be excellent

“Opaque photo competitions for the benefit of canteens and restaurants in museums and archaeological sites in the country”. Main question from the Member of Parliament of New Democracy, Mr. Mario G. Salma

The Minister of Culture mentioned the issue of renting refreshment stands at archaeological sites in his introduction. Lina Mendoniemphasizing that for the first time since 1977 the operation of the former Archaeological Resources Fund, now the Organization for the Management and Development of Cultural Resources (ODAP), was reorganized and with Law 4761/2020 the foundations were laid for in the efficient, transparent and management of the development of cultural resources, while at the same time, launching solutions to lasting problems.

“Everyone knows”, said the Minister, “not only those who deal with the issues of the Ministry of Culture, that in the field of management of refreshment rooms in Archaeological sites and Museums there is a great problem that situation. Most of the refreshment bars in remote areas outside the centers are closed, while most of the others operate without active contracts, under conditions that insult the cultural value of the spaces , where they operate. There are cases, and unfortunately not a few, when the offered products and services are at the third level.”

“The 66 refreshes stand, in 2019, the Minister said, closed. In important archaeological sites, with many visitors, such as ancient Olympia, Delphi, Akrotiri in Thera, the royal tombs of Aiges , the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, in the palace of the Grand Master, the Acropolis of Lindos, the refreshment stands, what it means for visitors, especially in summer. The tenants, this many, refused to withdraw from the public property they seized, as if it were their personal property. A typical example is that 9 refreshment bars, from some that operate, did not pay €1 and almost all others have paid less than 50% of their obligation. The result is that the amount owed to ODAP in 2019 is 891,878 euros, what this means for the public interest. So, we are trying to change this situation .”

Then the Minister pointed out that when we talk about archaeological sites with the highest value and cultural infrastructures, we must not limit the public interest to purely economic elements and income. “Public interest in major archaeological sites is directly linked to quality and aesthetics. I think everyone will realize that a group food poisoning from a soft drink in an archaeological site has a big which implications and consequences for the country, not only for the site. In 2023, ODAP continues the bidding process with many candidates. All the concessions, smaller and larger, are distributed across geographical groups territory. Each group includes popular refreshment rooms of different sizes, but also refreshment rooms in remote and small archaeological sites, which, however, must be used.

In addition, with the new, it was foreseen that water vending machines will be installed in 38 places.

“The purpose of ODAP is, said the Minister, the participation of public international companies whose scope ensures the correct operation and timely payment of rents. You mentioned in your question that there is a need to turnover of a million and positive equity. He was hurt by the interested parties. However, all the competent courts decided that it was well done. And in fact, according to those terms of the tender, the turnover is less than the total economic value of the contract for all the refreshments and for the vending machines. It is necessary for the contractor, any contractor, to have the appropriate financial sufficiency to perform in operating expenses and continuous supply, with fresh items, both in the refreshment stand and in the vending machines.Another term – which is also mentioned in your question – refers to the control of the ratio of equity to liabilities . But it is a usual condition of the tenders, when the contractor himself is burdened with the repairs and upgrades of the existing infrastructure. I must tell you that so far the contractor has paid more than 2 million to upgrade this infrastructure. ”

Regarding the second tender, the Minister said that it is ongoing, but delayed because, in February, a suspension was imposed on the tender process. When it’s done – if the Commission decides it should be done, we’ll see where it ends because there’s more than one potential contractor.

In his rejoinder, the Minister pointed out that the quality of services and products provided by Museums and Archaeological sites, as these sites, must be high. “If you see the situation that prevails, he said, talking to the questioning ND MP, M. Salma, I dare say that in some cases it is a health bomb. The Organization wants to have a contractor, to deposit the rents, and not to owe millions. I have to tell you that there are imputations. 5 million for the unpaid wages. We want a contractor who can save the catering areas Archaeological sites and museums that are clean and ideal, which are consistent even with possible complaints from visitors. There have been many complaints, in the past, about the way individual contractors have responded and this is not acceptable. It releases the image of a Greece that has nothing to do with this Greece, which we all want.”

The cases where EADISY orders tenders with equity funds are filed in the minutes, as well as a series of photos that show before and after the state of the refreshment stand.

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