The crowd of visitors to the exhibition of ancient Greeks in the city of Nanjing

The exhibitions held around the world with ancient Greek masterpieces remind – in the most convincing way – the position of Greece in the course of Western civilization. Therefore, in the context of this idiosyncratic “cultural diplomacy”, a prominent role was played by the completely successful exhibition “The Greeks: From Agamemnon to Alexander the Great». The exhibition opened on Thursday, June 6 in the Chinese city of Nanjing, the second stop on its tour. China after the city of Changsha, and already from the first day of operation it attracted a large number of visitors, who rushed to admire the ancient Greeks nearby.

The exhibition will be held until November at Nanjing Museumwhich daily receives approx 60,000 visitorswhile it will be transferred to Beijing capital museumwhere it is scheduled to remain until May 2025.

Nanjing, the capital of Jiangsu province, a city with 9,500,000 inhabitants, is the former capital of China and is considered one of the most important cultural centers of the Chinese territory.

I am convinced that the exhibition will give its visitors the opportunity to better understand why Greece is the cradle of Western civilization and belongs to that limited group of civilizations that we can call global.“, said the ambassador of Greece in China, dr. Evgenios Kalpyristo open, delivering, at the same time, the greetings of the Minister of Culture, Linas Mendoni.

The director general of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage presented the exhibition to the public with a speech, Olympia Vikatoswho joined the delegation of the Greek Ministry of Culture, while on the Chinese side the ancients were welcomed by Shi Feng, director of the Nanjing Museum and deputy director of the Department of Culture of Jiangsu Province. After the opening ceremony, a tour of the antiquities followed by the official guests.

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