In the light unknown miracle of Jesus from the Greek papyrus

A papyrus with an unknown part in it Gospel of Thomas and refers to his childhood ChriSt translated German researchers, found to their surprise that it was the description of a -apparently unknown- miracle of Jesus. This is a great discovery. The papyrus, written in Greek, is dated to the 4th-5th century, making it the oldest known copy of this particular gospel.

The papyrus refers to a miracle of Jesus when he was five years old. While playing in the mud by the stream, he made twelve sparrows out of clay. Joseph rebuked him, asking him why he was doing things on the Sabbath, and Jesus clapped his hands. Results; Sparrows live in clay. The scientific article was published in “A magazine for Papyrology and Epigraphy». According to Lachos Berkesprofessor at the Institute of Antiquities at the Humboldt University of Berlin, and Gabriel Noci Macedo, professor of Papyrology at the University of Liège, is the oldest surviving manuscript of the text in any language.

The papyrus has long remained obscure, because it was considered insignificant. “They thought it was part of an everyday document, like a letter or a shopping list, because the writing seemed so clumsy. Up to a certain point we noticed the word “Jesus” in the text “, reports Lachos Berkes. The discovery was considered extremely important in the study of his early years Christianity. This gospel, although apocryphal (not included in the Holy Bible), contains stories that were particularly popular in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Researchers speculate that the gospel copy was made as a writing exercise in a school or monastery, hence the clumsy handwriting with irregular lines.

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