Dog and cat bowls: how often should you wash them?

When it comes to nutrition, anyone who has a pet is very careful in choosing food that will provide it with all the nutrients it needs. To ensure the well-being of our dog or cat, we should not only pay attention to their food, but also to their bowls. So how often should you wash it? A question that has aroused the curiosity of some researchers who have discussed the subject.

A study to understand how often to wash dishes

While there is no shortage of studies on proper nutrition for pets, the one conducted by North Carolina State University represents a new one in the sector. In 2022, researchers led by Dr. Emily Luisana points out how bowls can be a vehicle for bacteria for dogs and cats. An investigation revealed alarming data that made us think about how important education is in this field as well. The study found that 18% of people wash their dishes every three months or more, 22% clean them once a week and only 12% clean them once a day.

Understanding the importance of proper bowl hygiene is a fundamental step not only for the health of furry pets, but also for the people who share life with them.

In fact, not cleaning bowls regularly can expose your four-legged friends to bacteria like Escherichia coli and salmonella. To this should be added particular attention to the bowl of water and its contents. The latter should be changed regularly not only to ensure that Fido and Kitty always drink fresh water, but also to prevent the risk of bacterial growth, especially during the summer. In addition to the bowls, the environment around them should be kept clean.

How and when to wash Fido and Micio’s bowls

After the North Carolina State University study, the Food and Drug Administration (US government body that deals with the regulation of food and pharmaceutical products) dictated the guidelines.

Just like our dishes, dog and cat bowls should also be cleaned after each use. To remove the food residues should use dish soap and a sponge. If we have a dishwasher and suitable bowls at home, we can also wash with this appliance with the advantage of eliminating all types of germs and bacteria thanks to the high temperature.

After each wash, the bowls should be dried with a cloth. Finally, if we want to disinfect them better, it is possible to use a veterinary disinfectant that will give us safe containers for dogs and cats.

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