Degas painting sold for $1,000

Degas for sale at bargain prices. Have you ever bought a piece of art and it was done by a great artist that you can only find in a museum. Unbelievable and yet true. Unknown panels bought online just for 1,000 dollars it is after all Degas worth $13,000,000 gone! This particular work was kept in a monastery during the Spanish Civil War and was lost for decades.

A savvy online shopper gets the deal of a lifetime when he spots a masterpiece online AUCTION in “Todocoleccion” and with the help of an expert found that it is “In Praise of Makeup” (1876), painted by Degas. The story came to light a few days ago when the painting was presented to the public at the French Institute in Madrid. And assuming that the specific project has a starting price of 1 euro, which will only be sold at the end for 926 Euros. Although it was signed “Degàs”, no one believed that it could be real… Now that it has been officially attributed to the master artist, some experts believe that the Impressionist work can surpass even 12,000,000 euros.

The story of the lost painting

But what is the story of this long lost work of art; The painting is dated at the end of the 19th century. And it is important that the project signature is “embedded” and not added later.

According to scholars of the French painter, the work is a continuation of another painting, titled “The serious customer”such as Edgar Degas he uses in his paintings a scene or a character from previous works. “Éloge du maquillage” is said to be one of 150 works in the Bastinos family collection that were confiscated by the authorities for storage during the Spanish Civil War. The work was last shown in 1952 at the “Gaspar” gallery in Barcelona and now we are waiting when we will have the opportunity to admire in person a Degas with many adventures to tell about women who love ribbons and powder.

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