Crete: What is the great Minoan find in Kastelli

Excitement reigned Crete and throughout the country, for unique search for Minoan archeology discoveries on Castelli Heraklion during the works for the new airport.

This is a rare find, pat a height of 494 meters northwest of the town of Kastelli, in a circular shape, 48 meters in diameter, covering an area of ​​1,800 sq.m..

As described by the head of the Ephorate of Antiquities in Heraklion, dr. Vasiliki Sythiakaki in “Free Press”, the monument has a supervisory position in the area of ​​Pediada, it is located at the highest point of the hill and the whole structure has no exact similarities with other buildings of the same period. in Crete, although as a form it is not known from the architectural ensembles of the early Bronze Age in the Near East.

What is the famous Minoan found by Kastelli

Of particular interest is the view of the global prestige of the university, due to his research on the Antikythera Mechanism, Professor Xenophon Moussa of the University of Athens, who has put a new possible dimension to the great search, who spoke in the same newspaper:

“The most important large Minoan building with eight coaxial cylindrical structures and the cruciform in its center, probably had an astronomical orientation and use. A possible astronomical orientation is related, as we read in Plato, to agricultural work. Astronomy has been used since ancient times to create the accurate calendars needed to predict the weather.

The concern of the farmers to determine the time when the work of sowing the grain will begin. Therefore, the rural society should know when October-November. The existence of 8 coaxial, almost cylindrical walls has astronomical significance, because there are seven heavenly bodies.

The direction of the two rays has a greater astronomical significance, because it determines the day of sowing the grain (October 26). If there is a central building with a round roof, it may have openings, windows similar to the rays of the sunrise on October 26, the day of the earth goddess, Demeter.».

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What does the Ministry of Culture say?

This monumental structure consists of 8 stacked stone rings – average thickness of 1.40m, and maximum estimated remaining height of 1.7m – developed at different elevation levels. The rings are formed in the middle of a circular building (zone A) with a diameter of 15m. with an expository construction, its interior (diameter 9m.) is divided into 4 quadrants.

Zone A is surrounded by a second main zone (zone B, max. width 6.9), where radial walls intersect vertically with rings at lower levels that form smaller spaces. As the excavation continued, an almost labyrinthine structure was revealed, as the spaces communicated with each other through narrow openings. Two possible main entrances to the central zones are revealed on the NE and NE sides.

The main period of use seems to be between (2000-1700 BC), ie probably built before or at the beginning of the Palaeopalatial period (MMI – II), while the presence of Neopalatial pottery in the destruction layer shows that the use of the monument continues and the era of new palaces.

In order to assess the search and plan to continue the airport construction project, a wide meeting was held at the airport construction site under construction and an autopsy on the hill with the participation of all parties involved under the Minister of Culture Lina. Mendoni and the Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Nikos Tahiao.

During the meeting, Lina Mendoni made it absolutely clear that the excavation research of the find must continue, so that the excavators can interpret it, and of course save it because of its uniqueness.

As the Minister of Culture pointed out, it is clear that the construction work of the airport must continue without interruption, but the search must also be protected. This resulted in a search for another suitable location for placing the radar. The two ministers agreed that soon the Civil Aviation Service will prepare and submit to the Ministry of Defense a new study on the location of the radar.

We all understand the scale of the development of this project

“This is a rare find of great interest. There are solutions, so that the archaeological research of the monument is completed and it is fully protected. We have excellent cooperation with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the responsible Deputy Minister Nikos Tahiao”The Minister of Culture, Lina Mendoni, announced the completion of the autopsy and noted, among other things, the following:

“We concluded an extensive meeting with all those involved – the relevant Ephorate of Antiquities of Heraklion and the relevant Directorates of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and Restoration of Ancient Monuments from the Ministry of the Interior, and the related services of the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Civil Aviation and the contractor – and conducted a joint autopsy of the archaeological site.

The priority of all of us is to protect the monument, in this extraordinary search. We all understand the importance and value of cultural heritage. We all understand the extent of the development of the specific project, which was carried out in Kasteli. The new airport project can continue and the old ones can be protected, as it should be».

“Since at this stage the excavation research is still ongoing, it is not possible at the moment to determine the original shape or the total height of the structure. The dwelling in the central zone, as shown in the system of building encouragement, is probably in the form of a truncated cone or vault. The two zones A and B formed by the upper rings seem to be the main focus of the activity.

The quantity and type of finds, as well as the presence of many animal bones, do not indicate – so far – permanent residential use, but probably frequent use in the form of rituals that may have occurred , which involves food consumption. , wine and perhaps offerings».

“This is the first monument of this type known and excavated in Crete. Its size, architectural structure and intricate construction required a lot of work, special experience and a strong central administration, which organized its construction. What is certain is that this is a form of community building – a sign for the wider area of ​​the Plains. The fact that the structure is large and prominent probably reflects the importance of the location, but also the size of the population it will serve.».

“The floor plan of the monument and the structure of the zones and spaces as it has been revealed so far, but also the whole construction does not have exact similarities with other buildings of the same period in Crete, although it is a form no. we know nothing from the architectural ensembles of the early Bronze Age in the Middle East.

It can be compared to the elliptical MM building at Hamaizius, as well as the so-called circular proto-Hellenic cyclopean building at Tiryns. Structural similarities, however, can also be found in the so-called vaulted tombs of the pre-palatial and palaeo-palatial periods of southern Crete, where the central space is built with an expository structure, while the whole structure refers to the proto. -Hellenic, but also later mounds of early Greece or later circular sanctuaries eg institutional».

“The completion of the excavation research is considered necessary, to clarify the nature of the monument and its relationship with the residential and religious centers of the same period in the Kapatagan area. The monumentality of the structure, as well as the fact that it has never been excavated like this, make it a landmark of the new Heraklion Airport.».

“The excavation investigations for the construction of the New International Airport of Heraklion, Crete, in Kastelli in the Municipality of Minoa Pedias, as well as the connecting roads of the main roads of the Region of Heraklion, were carried out by the Ephorate of Antiquities of Heraklion within the framework of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and has a life-saving nature.

As part of these works, more than 35 archaeological sites have been excavated and handed over for the continuation of the project, according to the current institutional framework.»

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