Wedding: The rules of etiquette for the couple to the guests

mthere may be no right and wrong way to get married, but everyone is invited at weddings  we thought a lot about what would make it easier for us to attend the event and at the same time make sure we have a good time.

There is always mention of the savoir-faire that one’s guests must follow wedding, but it is still forbidden to talk about the behavior of the couple, if it is not supposed to be. After all, when you organize a wedding you have to think about whether your guests, who will come to honor you with their presence, will have a good time.

The Guardian newspaper recorded some of them new rules of wedding etiquette which is only for the couple, and has great interest.

Let’s avoid the holiday season:

We may have dreamed of having our wedding on a small island in the middle of August, but before we decide and invite all these people, we need to think about what they need to attend this wonderful event. activity. If the date we choose falls during the time when almost everyone wants to go on vacation, then we disrupt their schedule and put them at a lot of expense, because in the so-called high season tickets and accommodation are more. dear. The same, of course, also applies outside of summer, for the Christmas season and immediately after Easter.

There are many social obligation which the couple should consider before making their guest list. The same goes for various things that often happen in a marriage. This includes how the couple arrives at the wedding venue, greeting the guests, and even the first dance. The new savoir vibr of marriage prequalifies him ease the couple and, thus, the guests. Therefore, the couple should be free to decide what they want and what they don’t want or can’t do during the ceremony or reception. If there is discomfort in the first dance, skip it. If someone doesn’t want to see strangers at their wedding, don’t invite them, just because somewhere, somehow “there is an obligation”. There is enough stress in every marriage, let’s not add more.

We take care of the guests’ entertainment during the photo shoot:

If we are shooting immediately after the wedding ceremony and not directly in the reception area, we make sure our guests have access to drinks and snacks. There is nothing more tiring for a guest to wait for a couple to arrive and not be able to cool a drink, even a non-alcoholic one. We also make sure to get to the reception in plenty of time so that everything starts on time.

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