What to do if the cat does not want to go home?

Some cats prefer the comfort of home, while others love it exploring the great outdoors and they probably try to hide every chance they get. Whether you’ve let them out or just started thinking about the idea, here are some tips for bringing your cat home at night and staying safe.

An outdoor environment can improve your cat’s life, and many cats, especially those used to being outside, may not be happy to stay indoors all the time. That said, time spent outdoors has its dangers, especially at night.

Why does the cat leave the house?

There are many ways to prevent your cat from running away, but the first step is to understand why he wants to spend more time away from home. Before you have to deal with the anxiety of trying to find a lost pet, here’s why cats run away and what you can do to keep your cat safe.

  • Your cat is territorial: i Cats are territorial and those who live abroad often claim a specific area around their home as theirs. If there aren’t many other cats living nearby, your cat may start expanding its territory. Therefore, while they may not intentionally run away from home, if they establish a larger territory they may be gone for a longer period of time than expected, before returning home again.
  • Your cat is curious: While some cats like to sleep all day at home, others have a strange streak and love to explore. They might go chase a butterfly, make friends with a neighborhood kid, or just go see where the day takes them. Sometimes these adventures can take longer than your cat might expect.
  • Your cat wants to hunt: Most cats may love to curl up on our laps, but don’t forget that they are also hunters by nature. This behavior is deeply ingrained, and while some cats enjoy chasing their toys around the house, others look for things to chase and knock over in the wild. Even if your cat has plenty of food in the house, he still needs to satisfy himself hunting instinct.
  • Your cat is stressed: i cats are sensitive souls and they can get angry if their home or routine changes too much. Changes, unusual and loud noises, bringing home a new pet, or even moving furniture can stress your cat. If he can’t find a place at home to hide until things calm down, he may run away in an attempt to find peace and quiet elsewhere.

Do cats come back when they run?

Most cats find their way home. While we obviously hear about cats going missing all the time, it’s important to remember that many pet owners leave their cats outside, and most of them make it home safely every day.

Most cats that leave the house do so within five to seven days. If you are interested in where your cat goes when it runs, this is recommended use a collar with GPS tracking. This way you can get an idea of ​​where your cat wanders on any given day.

How do cats find their way home?

There is no magic in how cats find their way home, because while they spend a lot of time in one place, they learn about their environment like a person. It tells them where they are and how to get home. Additionally, cats often explore along consistent paths, branching off into smaller forays to explore further.

Cats have a return instinct, which helps them find their way home when they get lost. How this instinct works is not well understood, but it is believed to be linked to the Earth’s geomagnetic field. The homing instinct, or PSI trailing, is defined as the ability of an animal to home from a distance. Research into this instinct has found that both indoor and outdoor cats seem to have a better ability to find their way home.

How to find a lost cat

The most important thing is to be active and not give up. Many cats stay close to home, so there’s a good chance your cat is hiding in the neighbor’s yard. Here are some tips for finding your cat:

  • distribute flyers in your neighborhood. Be sure to include a recent, clear photo and, if possible, a reward
  • Post to local social media groups
  • Walk around the neighborhood calling your cat’s name or waving a box of treats
  • put the bed or blanket outside
  • ask neighbors to check garages and sheds
  • Call local veterinarians, animal rescues and control centers
  • find your cat at dawn and dusk when he is likely to feel safest.

How to prevent your cat from running away from home

To prevent your cat from running away create a routine, because these pets love everyday life. Create a cozy dining nook. Find a quiet, comfortable place for them to feed, as a relaxed atmosphere will help them enjoy their meal without distractions.

Always leave the water on. Hydration is essential to a cat’s well-being. Another tip is to gradually increase your time outside. Any kind of lifestyle change, especially for cats that value routine, will probably take some getting used to.
Starting with outdoor sessions of just 10-15 minutes. This gentle approach will reduce stress and help your cat become more confident outside.

Choose a safe place. It’s important to make sure your outdoor space is secure and fenced, just like the backyard. Avoid leaving cats unattended outside, especially at first, and above all, provide easy access to your home by installing a cat flap so that your cat feels safe and under control.

Finally, remember the positive reinforcement; therefore, when your cat returns home after outdoor exploration, offering him a treat or favorite toy will encourage him to continue returning after his adventures.
Finally, there is recall, which is an important method to convince your cat to come to you when it hears its name or a certain word. Like? Choose one word that you only use as a recall signal. It can be “Come on,” “Here, kitty,” your cat’s name, or whatever you want; to begin with, practice when your pet is very close, and say your recall signal and then give it attention.

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