All the beauty of the river Acheron in one video

Her beauty naturally SCENE along the river Acheron and around its sources in the mountains of Soulio got an impressive video with pictures of the green and beautiful gorge of the river, which mythology wants to be the “gate of Hades”.

The Acheron is a river in the region of Epirus and runs through the prefectures of Ioannina, Thesprotia and Preveza.

Its first sources come from the snows of Mount Tomaros in the Prefecture of Ioannina and its other sources from the mountains of Souli and the mountains of Paramythia in Thesprotia.

Important springs are also those of the village of Glyki in Thesprotia. The Acheron flows into the Ionian Sea, in the village of Ammoudia in Preveza, where it forms a delta, where the two main marshes of the area are formed, the marshes of Splantza and Valanidorrachis.

Acheront, because of the Necromanteion, with its ancient tradition and environmental value, attracts thousands of visitors from its sources to its mouth. Its length is 52 kilometers while its water irrigates approximately 85,000 hectares, of which 28,000 are in the Prefecture of Thesprotia and 57,000 in the Prefecture of Prevezi.

The upper course of the river is also called “Mavropotamos”, while the lower part, passing through the plain of Fanario, is also called “Fanariotiko”. There is also the name Kamariotiko river. The river was explored throughout. Its last unexplored section is the Haradra of Acheron, 10 km long, which was crossed and photographed for the first time in its entirety, in June 1994 by a team from EOS Preveza.

In Lake Acherusia, which no longer exists, on the river Acheron, one of the entrances to Hades (Gate of Hades) is believed to be located. In ancient times it was said that the Acheron was the river that, according to ancient Greek mythology, was crossed by the “soul bearer” Hermes, who delivered the souls of the dead to Charon to end up in the kingdom of Hades. .

Every soul, crossing Charon’s ferry, had to give an obolus for transportation, while the case of Menippus, mentioned by Lucian, as the only one who crossed the Acheron without payment, is remarkable.

The impressive video was published on the Point Of View YouTube channel and captures the natural splendor of the site and all the beauty of the area.

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