Nothing has changed. I’m worried that instead of moving forward

The news of the last few days with the beatings of women by their partners and husbands, shows that our society has not made many evolutionary steps from the society described in the work of Kostas Bostanzoglou, “The One”which started a summer tour.

“The Elefas” is a bitter comedy, a mercilessly sarcastic drama of heroes who are immoral but moralistic, violent but sensitive. Abusing others has become a habit in their daily life as well as a way of life.

A girl, Gogo, which is played by Bessie Malpha, he tries to save himself morally, but through a final act that no one expects.

As the actress herself said, her hero “he never forgets. Like an elephant who remembers everything and waits for the right moment to respond.”

“”THE GOAT”, by Konstantinos Bostanzoglou, directed by Lefteris Yovanidis, puts us in a closed and conservative society, full of hypocrisy and dark secrets.

The story unfolds in a village in Greece where our 4 heroes, Gogo, Mitsos, Tasos and Voula are involved in a tangle of comic and tragic situations.

Gogo, the heroine I play has not forgotten what happened to her. Like an Elephant too he remembers everything and waits for the right moment to respond to the cruelty he endures every day from her husband Mitsos, her husband’s sidekick Tasso, and the hypocrisy of her niece, Voula,” Explains.

THE Bessie Malpha no introduction required. With a decade long career behind him, he has collaborated with the biggest names in the field of theatre, as well as television and cinema.

Calm and sure in his every step, he admits that he thinks carefully before accepting or rejecting every professional proposal made to him, while he does not seem to regret his choices, at least for now.

In Elefanta she got a difficult and demanding role, of a woman struggling to break free from people, boundaries, social and emotional requirements.

You play a woman who tolerates a lot and ultimately reacts strongly and unexpectedly. How did you manage to get into this particular role?

“The role of Gogos was and is a difficult role that required a lot of deep research, analysis, and hard work to make this woman. Endless rehearsals took place with attention to every detail of the play’s director, Lefteris Yovanidis , to succeed.”

Are you looking for equality in your roles in general, so that you can do it the way you want?

“I don’t look for common points with myself in the roles. I would say the opposite. I find it more interesting to pretend and in the end become someone completely different from me. To live lives which I could not have known any other way.”

The project was very successful last winter. Where do you attribute this to and how do you think it applies to people today?

“Because it talks about issues that, unfortunately, still concern our society to this day, such as racism, nationalism, violence, homophobia and abuse.”

The show, after the successful play last winter, started a tour and will also be presented at the Paramythia Festival – the biggest cultural event in Thesprotia. How do you feel about this and what more can be done to promote cultural activities in the province?

“I am delighted that the work will be presented at the festival of Paramythia – indeed the biggest cultural event in Thesprotia. I believe that every artistic activity gives hope for the development of the country in art and cultureso also in human evolution”.

Elephant society seems ‘old’, how far from it?

“The project society is not old. Unfortunately, the same is happening. I’m afraid nothing has changed and I’m worried that, in the end, instead of moving forward, we’re going backwards.”

As a mother of three children, are you afraid of the part of society depicted in the play? In your opinion, can it be changed and how?

“It doesn’t really scare me because I grew up in that kind of society. But I’m very lucky as far as my parents are concerned, because I believe they taught me things that seemed very useful to me laterlike believing in myself and fighting for my ideas and my goals.

So I think that each season has its advantages and disadvantages. It is in the struggle of evolution to become civilized and better people. And of course to fight and strive for it. So I can say that I keep an optimistic attitude

Humor is an important element of the play. What place does it have in your life?

“I put a lot of emphasis on humor and I try to face life with humor. For me it is liberating and, if you will, a force that pushes me to endure everyday life.”

How can people become “elephants”? Is revenge a driving force?

“Because there is a lot of violence in our time, I think that around us there are many people who are ‘elephant’ in a bad sense. In the sense, that is, of revenge. For me it is a humbling feeling that has no place in my life. Not interested. After all, the hero of our work does not really take revenge, but he is looking for his freedom. And that finally worked. To be free.”

The protagonist of the play seems to believe that everything is his – things and people. Can people be with each other?

“How can we be with someone? We are not slaves, we are not objects. Anyone who thinks that everything is his will soon discover that he owns nothing, and he can take nothing with him. These people who think that others are their property are narcissistic, arrogant, and I think this whole attitude also hides a little bit of stupidity.”

Gogo doesn’t seem to regret what he did. Do you regret something in your life and in general you want, perhaps, to change some of your decisions?

“I have hardly regretted in my life, or at least I don’t remember. I like my mistakes, I learn from them. Of course, we learn until the end, and there is also the phrase ” never say never”. Let’s see… ”

Your protagonist is an abused woman living in a toxic relationship. What would you advise your daughters and young women to do if they were in a similar position?

“Usually I don’t like to give advice to anyone. I always do what I believe in. So I think from my character someone can understand some things. However, because I haven’t been in such situations and take them very seriously, all I can say is that: anyone in such a relationship should seek immediate help. Immediately. As far as I know there are help lines and structures to go to. ”

In a home with two actor parents is it inevitable that your children will follow artistic paths?

“In a house with two actor parents There is also our son Iagos who is dealing with completely different things since our daughters Olga and Nikiso yes, I don’t see it as inevitable.”

Do your daughters ask you for career advice? Do you have doubts about their decision to work in the field of art, because you know the difficulties it hides?

“The women they are very independent personalities, and I don’t think they need our advice. Growing up with us, they saw all the difficulties that this job entails. I think and hope that their suitcase is full of many supplies to face life.”

From your collaborations so far, do you remember having a strong emotion and what made you immediately say “no” to someone new?

“I remember all my collaborations and I don’t want to do any injustice, because I did them all with a lot of love and I worked with very important people. Also, I wouldn’t say I’m one of those people who immediately says no to a jobbecause I always analyze the situations and think about all the parameters before arriving at a collaboration”.

Theater or TV?

“I love both of them equally. I really love the art of acting.”

After the Elephant, what can we expect professionally? Maybe appear in a TV role?

“I’m still in discussions about different collaborations, but I can’t announce anything at the moment.

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