Komiaki: Restoration (23/06) of Kledon customs

Kledonas. The name comes from the ancient word Klideon – kledonos which means omen, sign, oracle. And it lives on the 24th of Protoli, ie June, which coincides with the summer solstice of the sun, whose power mainly shows the future, according to the hazy memories of the past. “key” it also means actions or words that are random and inconsistent, which are heard during divination ceremonies and where the prophetic meaning is attributed.

The time of Klidon has arrived and all over Greece it has a leading role… And most people celebrate it the day before, on June 23…

Sunday, June 23 and based on the relevant invitation all roads lead to Komiaki (see Mount Naxos) and especially on their shoulders Rodina where the bell custom will be revived… Who will sign the relevant invitation? the Women’s Comedy Clubs the Spiritual Center and the Koronida Community.

What is Klidonas for the inhabitants of Komiaki; Nothing more than a straw … the man made the other day by the women of the village and with different marked fruits in a basket, they say different meter couplets, usually satirical, satirizing and saying the root of each …

Then the unmarried women bring the still water from the well and pour it into the ‘gragouda’ (clay pot), throwing also ‘rizikari’, some personal, usually precious, object. Then they cover the gourd and leave it overnight under the open sky. Then they all go to sleep and dream of the man they will marry. And on the day of the fiesta? Burnt out….

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